Venice is the city of histoical memories and ancient places, architectures, cultural heritage. Venice is also a changing city, a place where contemporary artists and designers meet, create and show them creative production.
Salone Europeo della Cultura 2012 is one of themost interesting events in this Venetian autumn, it is going to be four great events, one of these is the Open Design Italia which is considered as one of the most important fair in the design fields.
Open Design Italia give the opportunities to show and sell the creative products directly from designers to customers. This is interesting also for the Venetian producers because all the fairs are free and it's supposed to be hundreds of people.
Salone Europeo della Cultura is composed by other three sections: one is dedicate to renewal of buildings and places in Venice and in the world, another one is about Venice as a Smart City, and the last is about the cultural and artistic heritage and its preservation.
The main theme is the connection between Berlin and Venice, and the economic, artistic, creative evolution of these cities.
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